Bachelor Messe Münster, 06.04.
Das Event für Abiturient*innen: Unis und FHs mit 450+ Studiengängen, unabhängige Beratung und Vorträge.

Study at Mid Sweden University

Mid Sweden University is a vibrant place in the middle of Sweden, where you will find the perfect mix of nature and city life. Mid Sweden University is a place where people meet, find inspiration and think innovatively. There are a range of international, first- class programmes to choose from in areas like technology, natural sciences and business. We offer programmes in close collaboration with research and business that are of benefit to society and give you a competitive edge on the global market.

Learn more about Mid Sweden University here:

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Hochschule der Woche

FH Wiener Neustadt

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Studiengang der Woche

Teacher Education Programmes – English, German, French & Spanish

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Beitrag der Woche

Melde dich für ein wirklich internationales Lehramtsstudium an