Bachelor Messe Münster, 06.04.
Das Event für Abiturient*innen: Unis und FHs mit 450+ Studiengängen, unabhängige Beratung und Vorträge.

Learn more about Creative Business and International Business during the online Open Days

Creative Business and International Business are four-year bachelor programmes at HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht with a strong international dimension.

Are you a creative thinker and innovative? Then Creative Business could be a right suit for your! Creative Business has a focus on business innovation, marketing and media. The programme is always developing and renewing its curriculum in order to stay updated with the latest trends in the Creative Industries.

Aziza Lichtner (Germany): “I like Creative Business because it gives an insight into many different professional fields and you learn many useful skills. The hands-on approach gives a realistic idea of how working in the profession would be like. Additionally, I met a lot of people from all over the world which helped me to understand different cultures and perspectives.”

Or are you more a problem solver, a global businessperson or an adventurous entrepreneur? Then International Business could be the best choice.

Online open days

Interested to hear more about Creative Business, International Business or other programmes of HU?. Visit our online open days between 26 October and 28 November and meet our students and teachers.

During the events, you can watch live presentations and learn all you need to know about our programmes. You can ask your questions immediately in the chat. This way, you can choose the best programme for you without having to leave your own home! Sign up Open days.

Our university is located in Utrecht, in the heart of the Netherlands. Visit our site for more information

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Hochschule der Woche

FH Wiener Neustadt

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Teacher Education Programmes – English, German, French & Spanish

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