Bachelor Messe Münster, 06.04.
Das Event für Abiturient*innen: Unis und FHs mit 450+ Studiengängen, unabhängige Beratung und Vorträge.

How do you find out if a degree programme suits you? #myroadtobuas

What else can you do apart from reading a prospectus or taking a look at To make things easy for you, we have listed the most important orientation possibilities, for example a virtual tour of our campus or a quiz to find out which of our programmes suits you best.

One of the options as well is to chat with a student. Are you wondering what student life is like at Breda University of Applied Sciences, or do you have any questions about living in the Netherlands or questions about a specific subject? Chat with Pleuni, Georgia, Robert or one of our other students to find out.

Empfehlung der Redaktion

Hochschule der Woche

FH Wiener Neustadt

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Studiengang der Woche

Teacher Education Programmes – English, German, French & Spanish

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Beitrag der Woche

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