Bachelor Messe Münster, 06.04.
Das Event für Abiturient*innen: Unis und FHs mit 450+ Studiengängen, unabhängige Beratung und Vorträge.

Tio Business School

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Willkommen an der Fachhochschule Tio. Tio bietet Ihnen eine persönliche, beschleunigte und exzellente Ausbildung und ist seit vielen Jahren ein anerkannter Name als Bildungsinstitut. Die Studiengänge von Tio wurden vom Higher Education Guide zu den besten in ihren jeweiligen Bereichen gewählt. Welcher Studiengang passt am besten zu Ihnen?

All of Tio’s bachelor’s degrees and vocational training programmes have been elected as the best in their respective fields by the Higher Education Guide and the Vocational Training Guide (Keuzegids Hbo en Mbo). “In first place, there is the private Tio University of Applied Sciences, which has locations in five cities. Students are very positive about this school,” says the Higher Education Guide.

Tio offers the following bachelor's degrees: 

Warum sollten Sie sich für einen privaten Studiengang bei Tio entscheiden?

Sind Sie neugierig, was Ihnen ein Studium bei Tio im Vergleich zu anderen Studiengängen bieten kann? Lesen Sie unten, warum sich die Schüler für den übersichtlichen, persönlichen und hervorragenden Studiengang bei Tio entscheiden und welche Vorteile das auch für Sie haben kann.

An der Hochschule Tio können Sie in einer angenehmen und sicheren Umgebung schneller studieren. Sie sind umgeben von motivierten Studenten und Dozenten, die über umfangreiche praktische Berufserfahrung in ihrem Fachgebiet verfügen. 

Die Hochschule Tio bietet ein private Fachhochschulstudiengänge (HBO) und private Ausbildungen im dualen System (MBO) an. Das bedeutet, man lernt in kleinen Gruppen von durchschnittlich etwa 11 Studenten pro Kurs, mit viel persönlicher Aufmerksamkeit und Betreuung. Und bei Tio können Sie im Gegensatz zum Studium an öffentlich finanzierten Hochschulen Ihre Ausbildung schneller abschließen. Welche Vorteile hat das Studium an einer privaten Hochschule im Vergleich zu einer öffentlich finanzierten Hochschule?

  • Übersichtlicher und persönlicher Unterricht
    Sie bekommen in kleinen Gruppen Unterricht, in denen die Dozenten Sie auch namentlich kennen. Dies ermöglicht eine persönliche Betreuung.

  • Intensive Studienbegleitung
    Dozenten regen Sie an, das Beste aus sich herauszuholen. Sie werden optimal betreut, um nicht nur die Theorie, sondern auch die Praxis zu ergründen.

  • Schneller studieren
    An der Hochschule Tio können Sie schneller studieren: Fachhochschuldiplom (hbo) in nur 3 oder 4 Jahren und Abschluss der dualen Ausbildung (nur auf Niederländisch) in 1 oder 2 Jahren. Sie haben Ihr Diplom also schneller, wodurch Sie früher arbeiten oder Ihr Studium für einen Master fortsetzen.

  • Dozenten mit Praxiserfahrung
    Mit ihrer praktischen Erfahrung können die Dozenten das von Ihnen erworbene Wissen sofort mit Ihrer Anwendung in der Praxis verknüpfen.

  • Auszeichnungen
    Jeder Studiengang von Tio wurde vom niederländischen Studienführer „Keuzegids“ zum Studiengang der Spitzenklasse erklärt. Bei Tio gibt es u.a. die beste Hotelfachschule, Tourismus- und Business-Studiengänge. Und auch den besten Studiengang in Handelswirtschaft! Den Drive von Tio wollen wir auch bei unseren Studenten aktivieren. Tio regt talentierte Studenten gerne dazu an, sich im Rahmen eines Honor-Programms weiter auszuzeichnen.

Deshalb entscheiden sich Studenten für Tio


Studying in Amsterdam and Utrecht


Amsterdam represents the perfect union of hotel management, event management, tourism and business. It is a metropolis with an abundance of lively streets and places to go out. The city is home to the highest number of five-star hotels in the Netherlands and it plays host to many major events and festivals, such as the Amsterdam Dance Event. Furthermore, Amsterdam attracts more than one million international business travellers every year (source: NBTC).
Amsterdam is a great place to live: it was awarded the title of most appealing residential city several times in recent years.

In Amsterdam, practical experience is there for the taking. Hundreds of thousands of visitors come to our country’s number one touristic city every year. Our national airport Schiphol is located close by. The city is home to all kinds of hotels, from simple places to spend a night to establishments that offer five-star luxury. These hotels attract both tourists and travellers on business, who come here for meetings, conventions and trade shows. There is no better place to experience the world of hospitality, business and tourism than Amsterdam. 


The city’s population has the highest average education level out of the Netherlands’ four biggest cities. The historic city centre is not only home to the famous tourist attractions, but also to a wide range of cafes and restaurants. Tio’s favourite bar is De Oude Dikke Dries. Located just five minutes on foot away from the Tio campus, this is a bar that offers a traditional atmosphere and a guaranteed good time! No matter how many bars there are in Utrecht, each and every one always appears to be full – especially on weekends.

Visit a festival or a concert in TivoliVredenburg, the nation’s most versatile music stage. It is no surprise that the foreign press is so excited about Utrecht.


A study conducted by OESO reveals that Eindhoven is by far the most innovative city in the world. No other city boasts a higher average number of patent applications per capita than Eindhoven. Every year, 22.6 patents applications are submitted for every 10,000 inhabitants. To compare: San Diego in the USA is in second place with 9.0 patents. 

Eindhoven is a leading knowledge city. Multinationals such as ASML, Philips and VDL play an important role in this. This is a fantastic environment from which to launch your professional career.

Eindhoven is a real student city and home to all the finer pleasures in life. Eindhoven is the place to be if you want to enjoy life and Burgundian hospitality. If you are a lover of culture, Eindhoven also has plenty to offer. Take, for example, the Van Abbemuseum, a leading museum of modern art.

Eindhoven leads the way in the fields of technology and design, which is why it is also called the knowledge city of the Netherlands. The Tio campus in the centre of city is just eight minutes on foot away from the Central Station.
In Eindhoven, you can attend a bachelor’s degree or a vocational training course in the fields of hotel management, event management, tourism, business, marketing and e-commerce.


Where better to learn the true meaning of the word “international” than in the port of Rotterdam? View the city’s impressive skyline from the Euromast or visit the latest hotspot, the Markthal. Around Tio Rotterdam, you will find plenty of trendy places to eat and drink and the Manhattan on the Meuse also hosts plenty of fantastic events.

Film lovers should come to Rotterdam in late January or early February for the International Film Festival Rotterdam. You can also visit the colourful summer carnival in July. Besides relaxing on one of the many terraces, culture lovers can enjoy the Kunsthal. How about wandering around the first covered marketplace in the Netherlands, the Markthal Rotterdam? Shop ‘til you drop in the centre of Rotterdam! Here, you can score the best deals seven days a week by following one of the shopping routes – or by striking out on your own. Be sure not to miss Diergaarde Blijdorp or the Euromast. If you need a break, walk to the wonderful gardens of Arboretum Trompenburg.

You can walk to the Tio campus in Rotterdam from the beautiful Central Station in just one minute! The school is located in the professional heart of the city, between multinationals such as Unilever and Nationale Nederlanden.
In Rotterdam, you can attend a bachelor’s degree or a vocational training course in the fields of hotel management, event management, tourism, business, marketing and e-commerce.

In addition to its headquarters in Utrecht, Tio University of Applied Sciences has five campuses spread across the Netherlands:

Fakten zur Hochschule

Tio Business School


privat, staatlich anerkannt




Tio Headquarters

Weitere Standorte

Amsterdam | Eindhoven | Hengelo | Rotterdam | Utrecht

Fakten zur Hochschule

Tio Business School


privat, staatlich anerkannt




Tio Headquarters

Weitere Standorte

Amsterdam | Eindhoven | Hengelo | Rotterdam | Utrecht


Willkommen an der Fachhochschule Tio. Tio bietet Ihnen eine persönliche, beschleunigte und exzellente Ausbildung und ist seit vielen Jahren ein anerkannter Name als Bildungsinstitut. Die Studiengänge von Tio wurden vom Higher Education Guide zu den besten in ihren jeweiligen Bereichen gewählt. Welcher Studiengang passt am besten zu Ihnen?

All of Tio’s bachelor’s degrees and vocational training programmes have been elected as the best in their respective fields by the Higher Education Guide and the Vocational Training Guide (Keuzegids Hbo en Mbo). “In first place, there is the private Tio University of Applied Sciences, which has locations in five cities. Students are very positive about this school,” says the Higher Education Guide.

Tio offers the following bachelor's degrees: 

Warum sollten Sie sich für einen privaten Studiengang bei Tio entscheiden?

Sind Sie neugierig, was Ihnen ein Studium bei Tio im Vergleich zu anderen Studiengängen bieten kann? Lesen Sie unten, warum sich die Schüler für den übersichtlichen, persönlichen und hervorragenden Studiengang bei Tio entscheiden und welche Vorteile das auch für Sie haben kann.

An der Hochschule Tio können Sie in einer angenehmen und sicheren Umgebung schneller studieren. Sie sind umgeben von motivierten Studenten und Dozenten, die über umfangreiche praktische Berufserfahrung in ihrem Fachgebiet verfügen. 

Die Hochschule Tio bietet ein private Fachhochschulstudiengänge (HBO) und private Ausbildungen im dualen System (MBO) an. Das bedeutet, man lernt in kleinen Gruppen von durchschnittlich etwa 11 Studenten pro Kurs, mit viel persönlicher Aufmerksamkeit und Betreuung. Und bei Tio können Sie im Gegensatz zum Studium an öffentlich finanzierten Hochschulen Ihre Ausbildung schneller abschließen. Welche Vorteile hat das Studium an einer privaten Hochschule im Vergleich zu einer öffentlich finanzierten Hochschule?

  • Übersichtlicher und persönlicher Unterricht
    Sie bekommen in kleinen Gruppen Unterricht, in denen die Dozenten Sie auch namentlich kennen. Dies ermöglicht eine persönliche Betreuung.

  • Intensive Studienbegleitung
    Dozenten regen Sie an, das Beste aus sich herauszuholen. Sie werden optimal betreut, um nicht nur die Theorie, sondern auch die Praxis zu ergründen.

  • Schneller studieren
    An der Hochschule Tio können Sie schneller studieren: Fachhochschuldiplom (hbo) in nur 3 oder 4 Jahren und Abschluss der dualen Ausbildung (nur auf Niederländisch) in 1 oder 2 Jahren. Sie haben Ihr Diplom also schneller, wodurch Sie früher arbeiten oder Ihr Studium für einen Master fortsetzen.

  • Dozenten mit Praxiserfahrung
    Mit ihrer praktischen Erfahrung können die Dozenten das von Ihnen erworbene Wissen sofort mit Ihrer Anwendung in der Praxis verknüpfen.

  • Auszeichnungen
    Jeder Studiengang von Tio wurde vom niederländischen Studienführer „Keuzegids“ zum Studiengang der Spitzenklasse erklärt. Bei Tio gibt es u.a. die beste Hotelfachschule, Tourismus- und Business-Studiengänge. Und auch den besten Studiengang in Handelswirtschaft! Den Drive von Tio wollen wir auch bei unseren Studenten aktivieren. Tio regt talentierte Studenten gerne dazu an, sich im Rahmen eines Honor-Programms weiter auszuzeichnen.

Deshalb entscheiden sich Studenten für Tio


Studying in Amsterdam and Utrecht


Amsterdam represents the perfect union of hotel management, event management, tourism and business. It is a metropolis with an abundance of lively streets and places to go out. The city is home to the highest number of five-star hotels in the Netherlands and it plays host to many major events and festivals, such as the Amsterdam Dance Event. Furthermore, Amsterdam attracts more than one million international business travellers every year (source: NBTC).
Amsterdam is a great place to live: it was awarded the title of most appealing residential city several times in recent years.

In Amsterdam, practical experience is there for the taking. Hundreds of thousands of visitors come to our country’s number one touristic city every year. Our national airport Schiphol is located close by. The city is home to all kinds of hotels, from simple places to spend a night to establishments that offer five-star luxury. These hotels attract both tourists and travellers on business, who come here for meetings, conventions and trade shows. There is no better place to experience the world of hospitality, business and tourism than Amsterdam. 


The city’s population has the highest average education level out of the Netherlands’ four biggest cities. The historic city centre is not only home to the famous tourist attractions, but also to a wide range of cafes and restaurants. Tio’s favourite bar is De Oude Dikke Dries. Located just five minutes on foot away from the Tio campus, this is a bar that offers a traditional atmosphere and a guaranteed good time! No matter how many bars there are in Utrecht, each and every one always appears to be full – especially on weekends.

Visit a festival or a concert in TivoliVredenburg, the nation’s most versatile music stage. It is no surprise that the foreign press is so excited about Utrecht.


A study conducted by OESO reveals that Eindhoven is by far the most innovative city in the world. No other city boasts a higher average number of patent applications per capita than Eindhoven. Every year, 22.6 patents applications are submitted for every 10,000 inhabitants. To compare: San Diego in the USA is in second place with 9.0 patents. 

Eindhoven is a leading knowledge city. Multinationals such as ASML, Philips and VDL play an important role in this. This is a fantastic environment from which to launch your professional career.

Eindhoven is a real student city and home to all the finer pleasures in life. Eindhoven is the place to be if you want to enjoy life and Burgundian hospitality. If you are a lover of culture, Eindhoven also has plenty to offer. Take, for example, the Van Abbemuseum, a leading museum of modern art.

Eindhoven leads the way in the fields of technology and design, which is why it is also called the knowledge city of the Netherlands. The Tio campus in the centre of city is just eight minutes on foot away from the Central Station.
In Eindhoven, you can attend a bachelor’s degree or a vocational training course in the fields of hotel management, event management, tourism, business, marketing and e-commerce.


Where better to learn the true meaning of the word “international” than in the port of Rotterdam? View the city’s impressive skyline from the Euromast or visit the latest hotspot, the Markthal. Around Tio Rotterdam, you will find plenty of trendy places to eat and drink and the Manhattan on the Meuse also hosts plenty of fantastic events.

Film lovers should come to Rotterdam in late January or early February for the International Film Festival Rotterdam. You can also visit the colourful summer carnival in July. Besides relaxing on one of the many terraces, culture lovers can enjoy the Kunsthal. How about wandering around the first covered marketplace in the Netherlands, the Markthal Rotterdam? Shop ‘til you drop in the centre of Rotterdam! Here, you can score the best deals seven days a week by following one of the shopping routes – or by striking out on your own. Be sure not to miss Diergaarde Blijdorp or the Euromast. If you need a break, walk to the wonderful gardens of Arboretum Trompenburg.

You can walk to the Tio campus in Rotterdam from the beautiful Central Station in just one minute! The school is located in the professional heart of the city, between multinationals such as Unilever and Nationale Nederlanden.
In Rotterdam, you can attend a bachelor’s degree or a vocational training course in the fields of hotel management, event management, tourism, business, marketing and e-commerce.

In addition to its headquarters in Utrecht, Tio University of Applied Sciences has five campuses spread across the Netherlands:


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Students about their study choice

You are in the last or second-to-last year of your general secondary or pre-university education and you face an important decision: what bachelor’s degree will you choose? What do you want to become? Perhaps you have known the answer to that question since you were little or perhaps you are starting to doubt because of the wide range of options.
To help you make this decision, we have asked some new Tio students how they made their study choice and why they chose Tio. 


Natasja van den Burg

Hotel and Event Management
“I registered in November. I love to travel and organise events, so my choice was between International Tourism Management and Hotel and Event Management. I thought Hotel and Event Management would be a more comprehensive study course, so I chose that. My parents own a camping, but they want to keep me from working there for as long as possible. They want me to discover the world on my own first.”


Bram Woerdeman

First-year student of Hotel and Event Management
“Before I started the Hotel and Event Management bachelor’s degree, I spent a year studying business economics. That programme was not right for me, I wanted more of a challenge than just focusing on numbers. My parents recommended that I looked around at Tio, so I did. During the open day, I was received in a very personal manner. There was a good, open atmosphere, which made me feel at home right away. The deciding factor for me was that a friend of mine is taking the same study course and that they are very positive about it. It is always good to hear positive stories from someone you know. Additionally, I love the small-scale nature of Tio. It is great that students get personal attention and are not just a number.”


Jaimy-Lee Aarts

First-year student of International Business Management
“I knew early on that I wanted to do something in the hotel business or something related to economics. Tio came to my high school for an information session. They talked about the school in a clear and enthusiastic manner, which made me attend one of Tio’s open days during my final year as well. That open day was the deciding factor for me, although I also tagged along with a student because I wanted to experience what this school is like on a normal day. I also visited Tio’s website a lot. It contains a wealth of information. What made me choose Tio is the fact that they offered good information. I like that the lecturers are from the industry and have a lot of practical knowledge and experience and the small-scale nature of the campus. The atmosphere and the information provided during the open day were the deciding factors for me.”


Read more: Students talk about their study choice


Tio Business School

Zur Hochschul-Website


Tio Headquarters
St. Jacobsstraat 400
3511 BT Utrecht

Telefon +31 (0)30 7 999 000
Tempelhofstraat 5
1043 EA Amsterdam

Telefon +31 (0)30 7 999 000
Begijnenhof 8-12
5611 EL Eindhoven

Telefon +31 (0)30 7 999 000
weitere Standorte
Julianalaan 9
7553 AB Hengelo

Telefon +31 (0)30 7 999 000
Weena 457
3013 AL Rotterdam

Telefon +31 (0)30 7 999 000
Oudenoord 2
3513 ER Utrecht

Telefon +31 (0)30 7 999 000